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- Written by Oregon's Senator Jeff Merkley Oregon's Senator Jeff Merkley
- Published: 23 July 2014 23 July 2014
- Hits: 4429 4429
Oregon's Senator Jeff Merkley
Dear XXXX,
Thank you for sharing your concerns about the latest violence between Israel and the Palestinian people. I appreciate hearing from you and having the opportunity to share my perspective.
The vast majority of the Israeli people and of the Palestinian people share the same aspirations we all do: to see our children grow up in safety, to have a chance to make a living and build a better life for our families. And so all people – Israelis, Palestinians, Americans and others around the world – should condemn the extremists who target civilians and put the security and prosperity of both Israelis and Palestinians at risk.
I mourn the loss of life in this conflict. My thoughts are with the families of the three Israeli boys so heinously killed, with the family of the Palestinian teenager who was the innocent victim of an appalling revenge killing, and with the families in the Gaza Strip who have lost innocent loved ones. For all of them, including Tarek Abu Khdeir, and for all of the children scarred by air raid sirens and explosions in Sderot and Tel Aviv and Gaza, I continue to hope for peace.
Thank you, again, for sharing your thoughts on this matter. I hope you will continue to reach out to me about the issues most important to you.
All my best,
Jeffrey A. Merkley
United States Senator