- Details
- Written by Peter Miller Peter Miller
- Published: 22 August 2014 22 August 2014
- Hits: 6026 6026
Hi all,
The situation is fluid but it looks like the Zim ship that was blocked from unloading in Oakland is coming to Tacoma Washington or maybe even Portland!
BLOCK THE BOAT TO GAZA was an amazing success in Oakland, and turned the boat around. Now we must follow it up the coast, thus BLOCK THE BOAT, TACOMA For now, get details from the original organizers ofBlock the Boat for Gaza
Friday, August 22at 8:00pm in CDT
Here is a link to information about the efforts to block the Zim ship coming to Tacoma to unload after leaving Oakland. This page will be updated as this situation changes by the hour:
The call is for folks to be there tomorrow afternoon and potentially ongoing.
Organizers have heard that it may be possible that if they are not able to unload there, they may attempt to do so in Portland, but they haven’t be able to verify that yet.
Also a Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/530669670411666/