- Details
- Written by AUPHR AUPHR
- Published: 22 August 2014 22 August 2014
- Hits: 5979 5979
Why have dinner and a movie with Cory Booker and Jeff Merkley for $1000 when you can protest their support for the Gaza Massacre outside for free!
We call on Oregonians of conscience to come out in protest of the continuing support for the siege and massacre of Gaza by United States Senators. We have an opportunity to confront both Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker (and doubtless other key Oregon Democrats) for their vigorous support of Israel's current campaign of serial war crimes.
They say their event is about standing up to special interests! Well, that is why WE will protest them!
Protesters will begin gathering at 4:30pm in time for the 5:10pm $500/plate dinner and continue until the movie at 6:30pm.
Protest will start at: Ya Hala at 8005 SE Stark St, Portland
Protest will continue at: Academy Theatre, 7818 SE Stark St, Portland
Perhaps Merkley and Booker will see us as dessert before the movie!
Sponsored by: Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights (AUPHR), Jewish Voice for Peace - Portland (JVP), Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER)
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/ical/event.php?eid=272453246283461
This is what Booker says about Gazans and Hamas: "They are willing to deny their people food. They are willing to deny their people construction materials that could be building schools and building infrastructure. They are willing to deny medical supplies. They are willing to deny a higher standard of living in order to support clearly terrorist activities…We stand with our allies. We stand with the democratic State of Israel. We stand against terrorism."
The pitch for the event and an article about Sen. Booker's total support for Israel follow:
Here is their pitch:
Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Cory Booker (NJ) know what it’s like to stand up to the special interests and take on the battles that seem to have insurmountable odds.
On August 27th, these two incredible Senators come together in Portland for dinner followed by a special showing of the Academy Award nominated film, “Street Fight,” that documented Senator Booker’s run for Newark mayor in 2002.
Join Senator Cory Booker for a Dinner & Movie honoring Senator Jeff Merkley on Wednesday, August 27th.
Link to their event: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/bookermerkley?&utm_medium=email&utm_source=merkley&utm_content=2+-+Special+Screening+of+Street+Fightnbspwit&utm_campaign=8.27Booker&source=8.27Booker
Dinner at Ya Hala
5:10 PM
8005 SE Stark St, Portland
Special Screening of "Street Fight" with Sen Booker & Sen Merkley
6:30 PM
Academy Theatre
7818 SE Stark St, Portland
Here is the article:
Cory Booker Backs Israel, Condemns Hamas in Senate Speech