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- Written by AUPHR AUPHR
- Published: 16 September 2015 16 September 2015
- Hits: 6728 6728
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A U.S. petition to arrest Netanyahu is circulating – ahead of his scheduled UN General Assembly address in New York later this month. It aims for 100,000 signatures or more before his arrival – sending a message saying his genocidal crimes can’t be ignored.
A petition in the U.K. to arrest him got over 110,000 signatures so far. His longstanding record of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity demands accountability.
If you are a U.S. citizen, Sign the U.S. petition. Take a stand for justice. Let We the People mean something.
Petition: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/netanyahu-hold-talks-new-york-month-under-international-law-he-should-be-arrested-war-crimes
Netanyahu is to hold talks in New york this month. Under international law he should be arrested for war crimes.
Benjamin Netanyahu to be arrested for war crimes when he arrives in New york
Benjamin Netanyahu is to hold talks in New york this September. Under international law he should be arrested for war crimes upon arrival in the U.S for the massacre of over 2000 civilians in 2014
Published Date:
Sep 08, 2015