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- Written by Tree of Life Conference Tree of Life Conference
- Published: 16 September 2015 16 September 2015
- Hits: 7084 7084
Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei to report on Gaza health crisis
at Tree of Life Conference: Eyes On Gaza
Saturday, October 17 at First Congregational United Church of Christ, Portland
Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei, psychiatrist, is director of the Gaza Community Mental Health Program, which provides crisis intervention and rehabilitation services to families in Gaza traumatized by years of military bombardment and siege. Virtually everyone in Gaza – children and adults alike - suffers from continuous traumatic stress disorder. The GCMHP was established in 1990 to meet the mental health needs of people exposed on a daily basis to malnutrition, destruction of homes and livelihoods, injury, and loss of family members.
Dr. Abu Jamei lost many family members in the 2014 assault on Gaza when an Israeli air strike leveled his home. “There was no place for parents and children to hide,” he says. “You never knew where the bombs were going to fall.” Yet he chooses to stay and help the people of Gaza, saying, “In Gaza, you just have to start by doing something. Select anything that will do good, and that is the right thing to do.”
EYES ON GAZA is a three-day series of presentations, films and workshops designed to educate and organize participants to work for a just peace in Israel/Palestine. Tickets and schedule of events are at http://gazaconference.brownpapertickets.com .
EYES ON GAZA is sponsored by the Tree of Life Educational Fund. Additional sponsors are Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights, Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network, Fellowship of Reconciliation of Oregon, First Congregational United Church of Christ–Portland, Friends of Sabeel–North America, Jewish Voice for Peace–Portland Chapter, Kairos USA, Kairos-Milwauki United Church of Christ, Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land, Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, and Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights.