Daily Star Editorial: Bush might fail at Annapolis, but give him credit for trying
- Details
- Written by The Daily Star The Daily Star
- Published: 26 November 2007 26 November 2007
- Hits: 5733 5733
Many flaws have been identified in the organization of the Middle East peace conference this week at Annapolis, in the US state of Maryland. Arab officials, in particular, harbor deep-seated fears that their participation may be used as cover for a gathering that fails to achieve anything of substance toward settling the dispute at the core of the region's troubles, that between the Palestinians and the Israelis. Surveys indicate that ordinary Palestinians, meanwhile, have grown tired of the seemingly endless diplomacy that promises statehood, only to deliver continued occupation.
Read more: Daily Star Editorial: Bush might fail at Annapolis, but give him credit for trying
The Camp David II Negotiations: How Dennis Ross Proved the Palestinians Aborted the Peace Process
- Details
- Written by Norman G. Finkelstein Norman G. Finkelstein
- Published: 26 November 2007 26 November 2007
- Hits: 6478 6478
This article, excerpted from a longer essay deconstructing Dennis Ross's book on the Palestinian-Israeli peace process from 1993 to 2000, focuses on the Camp David summit. In particular, it examines the assumptions informing Ross's account of what happened during the negotiations and why, and the distortions that spring from these assumptions. The article demonstrates that, judged from the perspective of Palestinians' and Israelis' respective rights under international law, all the concessions at Camp David came from the Palestinian side, none from the Israeli side. In reflecting on Ross's narrative, the author explores what he considers its "main innovation": the subordination of the normative framework of rights to the arbitrary and capricious one of "needs."
Palestinian Fair Trade Oil Delivered to Your Door
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- Written by Peter Miller Peter Miller
- Published: 26 November 2007 26 November 2007
- Hits: 4827 4827
Supporting Palestinian farmers is a way that we can help Palestinians
to non-violently resist Israel's military occupation and to remain on
their lands.
That is why the US Campaign is very pleased to announce that it is
teaming up with our friends at Canaan Fair Trade to bring you
Palestinian fair trade olive oil delivered directly to your door.
The US Campaign is now selling packages of four one-liter tins of
Palestinian fair trade olive for just $80 (plus $10 shipping and
handling). To order, please click here: www.endtheoccupation.org/article.php?list=type&type=142
Read more: Palestinian Fair Trade Oil Delivered to Your Door
Demolition Decimating Palestinian Village
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- Written by Ramsey Ben-achour In Inter Press Service (IPS) Ramsey Ben-achour In Inter Press Service (IPS)
- Published: 26 November 2007 26 November 2007
- Hits: 5838 5838
Al Walajeh village was once a quiet but busy place. Just four kilometers from Bethlehem and 8.5 km from Jerusalem, its rolling hills filled with fruit trees, natural forests, and blooming vegetation made it a prime farming location. Easy access to large and consistent markets led its inhabitants to relative economic prosperity. Life was good.
Today, however, Al Walajeh village is a different place altogether.
"The demolishing of houses is a weekly event here in Al Walajeh, " Sheerin Alaraj, Al Walajeh Village Council member, told IPS.
"People have nowhere else to go and so there are at least three families living in every house, sometimes even more. Some families have even been forced to live in caves," she said.
Since Israel’s full-scale military occupation of the West Bank began, more than twelve thousand Palestinian homes have been demolished, making house demolitions a grim hallmark of Israel’s occupation strategy.
Interview: Dr. Oren Ben-Dor discusses "Why Israel has no 'Right to Exist' as a Jewish State"
- Details
- Written by Peter Miller Peter Miller
- Published: 24 November 2007 24 November 2007
- Hits: 7246 7246
Now Available on the web: http://www.pdxjustice.org/audio/KBOO_OneLand_071123.mp3
From KBOO's ONE LAND, MANY VOICES, Friday, November 23, hosted by Hala Gores
and William Seaman:
www.pdxjustice.org (click on the link at the top of the page, or scroll down
past the videos to get to the KBOO audio programs).
Dr. Oren Ben-Dor discusses his recent article, "Why Israel has no 'Right to
Exist' as a Jewish State". Dr. Ben-Dor is a legal and political philosopher
at the University of Southampton in the UK. Dr. Ben-Dor grew up in Nahariya
in northern Israel, but left Israel as a young man and has been living in
England for the last twenty years. His latest book, "Thinking about Law: In
Silence with Heidegger" has just been published with Hart Publishing Oxford.
His articles on Palestine/Israel have been appearing regularly in
CounterPunch, on the Z-Magazine website, and in the Independent newspaper in