Take Action: International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, November 29
- Details
- Written by US Campaign US Campaign
- Published: 28 November 2007 28 November 2007
- Hits: 4687 4687
The photo-op which was the Annapolis peace conference is over.
The State Department defined the conference as "a launching point for negotiations leading to the establishment of a Palestinian state and the realization of Israeli-Palestinian peace."
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas issued a joint understanding committing "to immediately launch good-faith bilateral negotiations in order to conclude a peace treaty, resolving all outstanding issues, including all core issues without exception". (For the full text of the understanding, click here. )
President Bush stated in his speech at Annapolis that Israel "must show the world that they are ready to begin -- to bring an end to the occupation that began in 1967 through a negotiated settlement." (For the full text of his speech, click here .)
Read more: Take Action: International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, November 29
Israel to lure Soviet Jews from Germany
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- Written by Kate Connolly in Berlin Kate Connolly in Berlin
- Published: 27 November 2007 27 November 2007
- Hits: 8322 8322
[The desperate drive to bring Jews to
An Israeli intelligence organisation is to send its agents to Germany to try to persuade tens of thousands of Jews from the former Soviet Union to settle in Israel.
Representatives of the organisation Nativ are soon to operate in Germany on the approval of the Israeli government to "counter the dangerous assimilation of former Soviet Jews in Germany", according to the wording of a decision recently passed by the cabinet of the prime minister, Ehud Olmert.
Annapolis agreement: full text
- Details
- Written by The Israelis and the Palestinians at Annapolis The Israelis and the Palestinians at Annapolis
- Published: 27 November 2007 27 November 2007
- Hits: 6671 6671
NYC Rights Activists Escalate Protests Against Leviev Over Palestine Land-Grab
- Details
- Written by Adalah-NY Adalah-NY
- Published: 27 November 2007 27 November 2007
- Hits: 6292 6292
In a loud, festive protest this evening, 40 New Yorkers chanted, danced Palestinian Dabka and performed street theater. Protesters were faced by a cordon of police officer who leaned against the LEVIEV store windows, blocking any view of the expensive jewelry in the showcase. No customers entered the store during the hour and a half protest.
Read more: NYC Rights Activists Escalate Protests Against Leviev Over Palestine Land-Grab
AL-HAQ JOINT OPEN LETTER: A Foundation not an Afterthought: Upholding International Law at Annapolis
- Details
- Written by Palestinian Civil Society Organisations* Palestinian Civil Society Organisations*
- Published: 26 November 2007 26 November 2007
- Hits: 4301 4301
As Palestinian
human rights and civil society organisations, we the undersigned, are deeply
concerned by the lack of a clearly articulated legal framework for the
upcoming diplomatic negotiations between