What Hillary Clinton Doesn't Know About Palestine
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- Written by KATHLEEN and BILL CHRISTISON, Former CIA analysts KATHLEEN and BILL CHRISTISON, Former CIA analysts
- Published: 21 November 2007 21 November 2007
- Hits: 5711 5711
Read more: What Hillary Clinton Doesn't Know About Palestine
Palestinians spell out their vision of the future in peace blueprint
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- Written by Donald Macintyre in Jerusalem Donald Macintyre in Jerusalem
- Published: 21 November 2007 21 November 2007
- Hits: 5838 5838
Read more: Palestinians spell out their vision of the future in peace blueprint
Our man in the labyrinth
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- Written by Julian Borger in Cairo for The Guardian Julian Borger in Cairo for The Guardian
- Published: 21 November 2007 21 November 2007
- Hits: 6023 6023
Guardian Diplomatic editor Julian Borger joins British foreign secretary David Miliband on his whistle-stop tour of the Middle East, and finds the foreign secretary's hopes undimmed for a rekindling of the peace process
Afghanistan 'falling into Taliban hands'
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- Written by Richard Norton-Taylor, Guardian Unlimited Richard Norton-Taylor, Guardian Unlimited
- Published: 21 November 2007 21 November 2007
- Hits: 4870 4870
Israel's Dilemma in Palestine: A Land With People, For a People with a Plan
- Details
- Published: 21 November 2007 21 November 2007
- Hits: 7617 7617
Two rabbis, visiting Palestine in 1897, observed that the land was like a bride, "beautiful, but married to another man". By which they meant that, if a place was to be found for a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine, the indigenous inhabitants had to leave. Where should the people of Palestine go? Squaring that circle has been the essence of Israel´s dilemma ever since its establishment and the cause of the Palestinian tragedy that it led to. It has remained insoluble. Ghada Karmi's new book, Married To Another Man, Israel´s Dilemma in Palestine, (published by Pluto Press, London-Ann Arbor) shows that the major reason for this failure was the original and unresolved Zionist quandary of how to create and maintain a Jewish state in a land inhabited by another people. Zionism was never able to resolve the problem of "the other man".
Read more: Israel's Dilemma in Palestine: A Land With People, For a People with a Plan