Israel admits phosphorous bombing
- Details
- Written by BBC News BBC News
- Published: 22 October 2006 22 October 2006
- Hits: 7083 7083
Israel had previously said the weapons were used only to mark targets.
Phosphorus weapons cause chemical burns and the Red Cross and human rights groups say they should be treated as chemical weapons.
The Geneva Conventions ban the use of white phosphorous as an incendiary weapon against civilian populations and in air attacks against military forces in civilian areas.
The British officer said: 'We are now just another tribe'
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- Written by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad in Basra Ghaith Abdul-Ahad in Basra
- Published: 13 October 2006 13 October 2006
- Hits: 7113 7113
He can see the general's point. "There is so much poverty and frustration in the streets of Basra, as long as you are in the street, someone will shoot at you. We complicate the situation. We give the disaffected and frustrated a chance to empty their frustrations by shooting at us."
Read more: The British officer said: 'We are now just another tribe'
Gaza fishermen risk Israeli fire
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- Written by Alan Johnston, BBC News, Gaza Alan Johnston, BBC News, Gaza
- Published: 13 October 2006 13 October 2006
- Hits: 7062 7062
But they are defying an Israeli ban on all Palestinian fishing, and Rami al-Habeel knows how dangerous that can be.
Last week, he saw his friend, Hani al-Najaar, shot dead on the deck of their trawler.
For more than three months the Israelis have ordered all fishing craft to stay in port.
They say this is to prevent militants who have captured an Israeli soldier in Gaza, smuggling him out by sea.
U.N. refugee agency: Exodus in Iraq forces priority shift
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- Written by CNN CNN
- Published: 13 October 2006 13 October 2006
- Hits: 6940 6940
The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said it plans to focus on the deteriorating humanitarian situation facing people who are fleeing, as opposed to those returning home.
"The enormous scale of the needs, the ongoing violence and the difficulties in reaching the displaced make it a problem that is practically beyond the capacity of humanitarian agencies, including UNHCR," it said.
Read more: U.N. refugee agency: Exodus in Iraq forces priority shift
This terrible misadventure has killed one in 40 Iraqis
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- Written by Richard Horton Richard Horton
- Published: 12 October 2006 12 October 2006
- Hits: 6897 6897
And finally, we can truthfully say that our foreign policy - based as it is on 19th-century notions of the nation-state - is long past its sell-by date. We need a new set of principles to govern our diplomacy and military strategy - principles that are based on the idea of human security and not national security, health and wellbeing and not economic self-interest and territorial ambition.
The best hope we can have from our terrible misadventure in Iraq is that a new political and social movement will grow to overturn this politics of humiliation. We are one human family. Let's act like it.
Read more: This terrible misadventure has killed one in 40 Iraqis