Poll: Most Iraqis favor U.S. pullout in a year, Majority support attacks on U.S. military!
- Details
- Written by CNN CNN
- Published: 27 September 2006 27 September 2006
- Hits: 6981 6981
"Given four options, 37 percent take the position that they would like U.S.-led forces withdrawn 'within six months,' while another 34 percent opt for 'gradually withdraw(ing) U.S.-led forces according to a one-year timeline.'
"Support for attacks on U.S.-led forces has grown to a majority position -- now 6 in 10. Support appears to be related to a widespread perception, held by all ethnic groups, that the U.S. government plans to have permanent military bases in Iraq."
West Bank beer fest
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- Written by Rachel Shabi Rachel Shabi
- Published: 27 September 2006 27 September 2006
- Hits: 6888 6888
A Christian-Palestinian microbrewery is defying the hardships of occupation
Taybeh the beer is crisp, clean and very drinkable. It comes in light and dark versions, with a label that proudly reads "The Finest in the Middle East." Its makers seem to have tapped an unlikely region for venturing into the beer business.
"Everybody thought I was nuts to build a brewery in a Muslim region," said Nadim Khoury, the company's master brewer, regarding the glaringly obvious problem that the Quran forbids the consumption of alcohol.
Yet Palestinian Christians, who make up just under 2 percent of the total population of the Occupied Territories, aren't the only ones drinking Taybeh beer. "We produce 600,000 liters a year," said Khoury. "Of that, 30 percent sells to Israel and the remaining 70 percent within Palestine." Sales of Taybeh, he added, account for only 15 to 20 percent of total beer sales in the West Bank.
"I don't want to say exactly that the Muslims enjoy the beer more than the Christians -- but they do," said Sayib Nasser, a member of the Fatah Party and deputy governor of the local council in nearby Ramallah. Nasser, who is a Muslim, took part in the festival's opening ceremony. "The festival has our support and our blessing," he said. "We are proud of it."
UN says Gaza crisis 'intolerable'
- Details
- Written by BBC News BBC News
- Published: 26 September 2006 26 September 2006
- Hits: 7046 7046
'Million bomblets' in S Lebanon
- Details
- Written by BBC News BBC News
- Published: 26 September 2006 26 September 2006
- Hits: 6993 6993
The UN's mine disposal agency says about 40% of the cluster bombs fired or dropped by Israel failed to detonate - three times the UN's previous estimate.
It says the problem could delay the return home of about 200,000 displaced people by up to two years.
The devices have killed 14 people in south Lebanon since the August truce.
AP Propaganda About Iraq
- Details
- Written by Dahr Jamail | t r u t h o u t | Perspective Dahr Jamail | t r u t h o u t | Perspective
- Published: 24 September 2006 24 September 2006
- Hits: 7189 7189
-George Orwell
It is important to note that the board of directors of AP is composed of 22 newspaper and media executives that include the CEOs and presidents of ABC, McClatchy, Hearst, Tribune and the Washington Post. Two of the directors are members of very conservative policy councils that include the Hoover Institute. The Hoover Institute is a Republican policy research center that has been referred to as "Bush's brain trust." Its fellows include Condoleezza Rice and Newt Gingrich, a Distinguished Visiting Fellow, along with George Shultz.
Douglas McCorkindale, also on the board of directors at AP, is on the board of Lockheed Martin, the world's largest defense contract company. One does not require crystals to see that the board of AP displays a clear tilt toward right-wing conservative views, and comprises representatives of a huge corporate media network of the largest publishers in the US.