The mystery of America
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- Written by Gideon Levy, Haaretz Gideon Levy, Haaretz
- Published: 11 October 2006 11 October 2006
- Hits: 4806 4806
Rice has been here six times in the course of a year and a half, and what has come of it? Has anyone asked her about this? Does she ask herself?
Gaza sliding into civil war
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- Written by Rory McCarthy in Gaza City Rory McCarthy in Gaza City
- Published: 11 October 2006 11 October 2006
- Hits: 6818 6818
Israel Bars New Palestinian Students From Its Universities, Citing Concern Over Security
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- Published: 11 October 2006 11 October 2006
- Hits: 7037 7037
Dr. Raphael Levine, the Hebrew University chemistry professor who accepted Ms. Salameh as his student, said he understood Israel’s security concerns but was baffled by the ban. “I think it is in Israel’s interest to strengthen the Palestinian middle class, and strengthening academic institutions in Palestinian areas is one sure way of achieving that,” he said.
“There is a Jewish tradition in which value is put on learning; Mr. Ben-Gurion said he wanted Israel to be a shining light to all nations,” he said, referring to Israel’s first prime minister. “You have to deliver on these things.”
“Both by sentiment and cold practicality, it is not in our interest to act like this,” Dr. Levine said in a telephone interview from Los Angeles, where he is teaching at the University of California.
Meanwhile, Ms. Salameh, a high school science teacher, continues her life in Anata. She attends meetings as an elected member of the municipal council and is working to set up the village’s first women’s center.
She longs to begin work on her doctorate and one day become a role model for other Palestinian women and girls as the first woman to be a Palestinian professor of chemistry in the West Bank.
Read more: Israel Bars New Palestinian Students From Its Universities, Citing Concern Over Security
Soros pairing with dovish Jews to consider an alternative to AIPAC
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- Written by Ron Kampeas Ron Kampeas
- Published: 11 October 2006 11 October 2006
- Hits: 6880 6880
Morton Halperin, a director of Soros’ Open Society Institute and a veteran of senior positions in the Clinton, Nixon and Johnson administrations, confirmed to JTA that the meeting took place late last month. He would not add details.
“It was a private meeting, it was an effort to get this off the ground,” said Halperin, who directs the institute’s U.S. advocacy.
The meeting focused on how best to press Congress and the Bush administration to back greater U.S. engagement toward resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and how to better represent American Jews who don’t buy into AIPAC’s often hawkish policies.
Read more: Soros pairing with dovish Jews to consider an alternative to AIPAC
Report: Peres torpedoed Gaza desalination plant in '92
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- Written by Amiram Cohen Amiram Cohen
- Published: 11 October 2006 11 October 2006
- Hits: 7226 7226
Read more: Report: Peres torpedoed Gaza desalination plant in '92