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- Written by Stephen Quirke for Street Roots Stephen Quirke for Street Roots
- Published: 26 February 2016 26 February 2016
- Hits: 6936 6936
Vancouver, Wash., exhibit commemorates 1864 Sand Creek Massacre
‘One November Morning’
What: Art exhibit commemorating the survivors of the Sand Creek Massacre
When: Opens 4 p.m. Feb. 13; runs through May 28
Where: Clark County Historical Museum, 1511 Main St., Vancouver, WA
Information: www.cchmuseum.org/one-november-morning/
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Those familiar with the genocidal statements made by Israel's right wing leadership towards Palestinians will see the ethos of that ideology in our own history. The Colonel John Chivington, responsible for the Sand Creek Massacre spoke of Native Americans like right-wing Israelis speak of Palestinians. As the Street Roots article said:
In a speech delivered in Denver shortly before the massacre, Chivington had publicly advocated for the killing and scalping of all Indian people, including children, declaring, “Nits make lice.”
Compare this with Israel's Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked who said during the last Gaza War: