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- Written by AUPHR AUPHR
- Published: 06 March 2016 06 March 2016
- Hits: 6721 6721
It is outrageous. Yesterday, Sens. Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Reps. Robert Dold (R-IL) and Juan Vargas (D-CA) introduced the “Combating BDS Act of 2016.” Oregon Senator Ron Wyden is a cosponsor!
These bills seek to authorize state and local governments to divest from entities that support the Palestinian civil society-led boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement.
Call and write your Members of Congress today to tell them that you support BDS as a nonviolent means to achieve Palestinian freedom, justice and equality, and ask them not to cosponsor S.2531 and H.R.4514.