- Details
- Written by AUPHR AUPHR
- Published: 07 March 2016 07 March 2016
- Hits: 6902 6902
Come help us deliver petitions to Airbnb in downtown Portland!
12:30 Noon
Thursday, March 10th
Blagen Block Building, 34 NW 1st Ave near the Skidmore Fountain Max Station, Portland, Oregon
Airbnb, we say NO!
Occupation vacation has got to GO!!
See more and sign a petition at http://stolenhomes.org/
As people who care about human rights and international law, we ask Airbnb to immediately stop listing vacation rentals in Israeli settlements, all of which were built on stolen Palestinian land and deemed illegal under international law. Airbnb’s anti-discrimination policy states that they prohibit listings that promote racism, discrimination, or harm to individuals or groups, and require all users to comply with local laws. Yet, listing vacation rentals in illegal settlements promotes structural discrimination, theft of Palestinians' land, and direct violations of international law. Through earning fees from settlement vacation rentals, Airbnb is directly profiting from the continuing occupation and dispossession of Palestinians.
American Muslims for Palestine
Jewish Voice for Peace
U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
U.S. Palestinian Community Network